Older Meditations

May 9th- 15th 2011 - Your profession is your mission is you live a life of purpose

Jnnnganga meditations  may 9-15th your profession is your mission if you live a life of purpose

Day 1

Exodus 9:16
But I have raised you up for this very purpose, that I might show you my power and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth

You need clear  principles if we are going to be missionaries via your career in all corners of the world. You are  God’s representatives everywhere for be important to understand that mission is not becoming an evangelist or becoming a pastor. Mission is serving God in whichever area God calls you to.

The first step to  success is knowing your purpose in life. You don’t become successful if you don’t know your purpose in life. For example, if you don’t know the way to Kongowea, once you walk out of the church, you start going towards the wrong direction. Are you going to be a success? No. Success for somebody set to go to Kongowea is turning left towards  thre and succefully reachoing the place .Thus you are not a success if you haven’t discovered the call of God on your life for  you are likely to go the wrong direction.

Day 2

Luke 19.11-27

14The kingdom is also like what happened when a man went away and put his three servants in charge of all he owned. 15The man knew what each servant could do. So he handed five thousand coins to the first servant, two thousand to the second, and one thousand to the third. Then he left the country.


To be good missionary via your profession , it is important to be growing to reach your maximum potential. In other words, don’t try to drive with a speed limit that nobody has forced on you. You know your car may be able to go at a speed of two hundred and ten, but because of your fear of driving, you are driving at eighty.

Now surely, the car is not the problem it is the driver. And a lot of us are like that. We have put speed limits on our lives. You argue , the village I come from, they cannot produce a lawyer, so I cannot become one. Who told you? That’s a self imposed speed limit on your life. Please understand God has given you the capacity to become a lawyer, for example …even if you are the first one.What’s wrong with being the first one? Now, it is important for you to understand you are not like other people from your village. You are an original, don’t die a copy.


So it is important for you to tell yourself you must grow to your full potential.



Day 3

For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain

A missionary using his career knows the important of  sowing seeds that benefit others. In other words success is not about you. Success is living your life for others. You know you find some people whose life mission is to be the richest man in Africa. That’s a meaningless title. Nobody might benefit by your being  the richest. Success is alleviating poverty. But for you to alleviate poverty you might require riches. Being rich is a means not an end. Do you know something? In Mombasa they grow coconuts. But do you know there is no coconut tree that has ever tasted a coconut? It grows them, if you don’t harvest them they drop on their own. But the tree has never eaten a coconut. Because coconut trees grow coconuts for Mijikenda people to benefit. You do not grow ‘coconuts’ for yourself. In the same way God has not given you a good gift in mathematics so that you benefit yourself. Mathematics is given for the sake of helping people who don’t know how to add to assist them to add although it may be at a fee. They will pay you for adding for them since they cannot add for themselves.


Day 4


So you need to understand the vision and mission must be written in a such a way it shows  how your life will benefit other people. So it is very important to understand man’s success is a journey, not a destination. You can feel successful all the way along the journey not just after the destination. What I am emphasizing is, some people say, the end justifies the means. That’s totally unbiblical. God is interested in both. And if you use the wrong means, although you have a good end you will still go to hell. For example, you steal from Peter to assist Paul because Paul has a lot of trouble. Thank you for assisting Paul, but you will still go to hell. It is important to understand the end does not justify the means. So success is both what the destination you got is and how you got there.

Day 5

Galatians 2:20
I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me

Remember when you do what you are called to do , it makes you fulfilled and happy all along the process. It is wasteful to climb the wrong wall and only to discover it is a  wrong wall at the top of the wall. You know what I am talking about? You have picked the wrong purpose, only to reach the top and discover that was not your purpose. It is not success. You may be rich but unfulfilled. I have a book in my library called … The World’s Wealthiest Loosers…. it gives a line of short biographies of rich or other famous people who were total failures. Like the guy who started rock and roll  who  died out of malnutrition? He could not eat right. Is that success of failure? His songs are being heard all over the world, but he simply could not eat right. There is another lady who inherited a lot of  wealth but she just enjoyed stealing . So she was jailed very often because of shoplifting. When  they were jailing her it is when they discovered she was a billionaire in dollars, not Kenya shillings. So the newspapers were asking her, why do you shoplift? I can’t help it. So world’s wealthiest loosers tells you that you can be wealthy but a looser…. Now, you need to understand that wealth is not a measure of success. Wealth can be a curse. A new car may not be necessarily a blessing. I think I have to go on.


Day 6

Proverbs 16

1 The preparations of the heart belong to man,
But the answer of the tongue is from the LORD.
2 All the ways of a man are pure in his own eyes,
But the LORD weighs the spirits.
3 Commit your works to the LORD,
And your thoughts will be established.


Success is both the means and the end, you need God at the beginning , along the way and at the end. Proverbs 16 says, you are never in control of outcome despite your input. The seed is in God’s control. Rain that is needed for the harvest is not in the farmer’s control. What I am saying is, if you want to be a success, please understand that you need God for the success journey. The farmer can cultivate, put the fertilizer but God must give rain. Then verse two suggests your knowledge is limited. What you think you are seeing may be different thing from what  it is. Young or old woman basically you will be seeing the wrong thing. What we are saying is you have knowledge that is limited. So success journey requires you to seek God’s help. And you know Romans 8:28, God cannot fail. Do what He has called you to do  and you also cannot fail. Romans 8:28 says, all things work together for good to those who love the Lord. In other words God is able to make even what looks like failure to end up success. It says all things work together for… When it says all things, it means some things will be bad, some things will be good, but whether the things are bad or good, the assurance is, if you are really living according to God’s law, all things will work for good.

Day 7

Romans 8:28 (New King James Version)

28 And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.



A friend of mine tells me the story how he did something for the government and somebody senior was so annoyed they started to punish him. At exactly the time they were trying to fire him, he bumped into somebody from a multinational which had offered a job earlier and he had refused. And the guys says, you know that job is still open. Do you know he got the job because now he was being fired in his previous  job. When he went, they offered to multiply his salary I think three times. Now, was the person who fired him a good man or a bad man? He says, if I was never fired I would have ended up a very poor pensioner. I was so happy to be fired when I was forty, I still had many years to accumulate a good pension. So he always looked at the person who fired him as one used by God for his good. God used him.May be , you want to enter into a college and you have the right marks. Then ‘unaonewa’…. somebody sees for you… and they do not allow you to enter into that university. And you stay out another one year only to get a scholarship to a better place. Now you realize if you were never thrown out, you would never have gone to the new place.

About John N. N. Ng'ang'a

John N. N. Ng'ang'a runs a constultancy firm: TARUMA CONSULTANCY LTD. He sits on the boards of various organizations and companies and is also a writer. 

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